Electric Bike Etiquette: Best Practices for Sharing Paths and Interacting with Pedestrians

    Electric Bike Etiquette: Best Practices for Sharing Paths and Interacting with Pedestrians
    When exploring new terrain on your electric bike, it’s important to be respectful of your fellow riders and pedestrians. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

    -Yield to pedestrians. Electric bikes are faster than walking pace, so yield to pedestrians when necessary.

    -Be visible. Use your bike’s headlight, taillight, and reflectors to make yourself visible to others.

    -Ride single file. When riding with others, stay in single file to avoid blocking the path.

    -Obey traffic laws. Just because you’re on an electric bike doesn’t mean you can ignore traffic laws. Follow all the same rules as you would on a regular bicycle.

    -Be courteous. When passing others on the path, give them plenty of space and let them know you’re coming. A quick “on your left” or “passing on your right” will do.

    By following these simple etiquette tips, you can help make the path a safe and enjoyable place for everyone

    Jun 30, 2023

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